Saturday, January 24, 2009

Day 1 & 2 - Demo

January 23, 2009 - Demo began Friday afternoon.  We removed all bedroom furniture and tore up the carpet.  Then we proceeded to the bathroom and took care of business.  We had no surprises on Day 1, everything went relatively easy and as planned.  We needed copper piping caps for the water lines under the vanity, so we had to wait until the Saturday to make a Home Depot run to get those caps and remove the vanity.  

January 24, 2009 - On Saturday we made a run to HD and acquired the necessary items for plugging the copper pipes.  It was not as easy as we thought.  Copper piping requires preparation and the ability to solder.  It took some practice, patience, and perseverance.  Oh, and several leaks before we finally got it fixed!  We were able to remove the vanity and finish tearing up the remainder of the floor.

Demolition, with the exception of some of the flooring that needs to be replaced (due to mold, rotting, and repositioning of the shower drain), is complete!

What and Why

What - Remodeling the Master Bedroom and Master Bath.

Why (Brian) - To make it nicer and warmer.  To increase re-sale value.

Why (Mike) - To use this "experiment" as a method to gain experience - at my expense!  

I'm glad to have his assistance though, I could not have done most of this without his help.  Because we sit behind a desk all day, we decided it was time to remove our ties and don our protective gear.  Hammer in one hand, pry bar in the other.